Surah Maryam, a chapter from the Holy Quran, holds significant spiritual importance for Muslims around the world, Its verses are revered for the profound benefits they bring to the hearts and souls of those who recite and reflect upon them, In this brief exploration, we will delve into surah maryam benefits.

What is surah maryam about?

  • Surah Maryam is a chapter in the Quran that is named after the maryam al-ʿadhraaʾnf (Mary, peace be upon her), and it discusses the story of her life and her accomplishments, Surah Maryam is a Makkan surah (revealed in Makkah) and consists of 98 verses.
  • The surah begins by mentioning the Prophet Zakariya (Zachariah, peace be upon him) and his request for offspring, highlighting that he was in old age and his wife was barren, The angels give him the glad tidings of the birth of a son named Yahya (John, peace be upon him), and it recounts the story of Maryam’s miraculous birth.
  • The surah addresses how Maryam declared her innocence to her people after giving birth to the miraculous child, Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him), and includes a dialogue between Maryam and the angels of Allah regarding this matter.
  • The surah then transitions to the story of Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him) and his discussion with his father about his worship of idols, and how he broke the idols and called for the worship of the One God.
  • In the second half of the surah, it shifts to the story of Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) and Harun (Aaron, peace be upon him), and mentions some of the miracles bestowed upon Musa, such as his staff turning into a serpent and his ascension to the heavens.
  • Finally, the surah discusses and emphasizes the importance of true worship of Allah, drawing near to Him through righteous deeds, and repenting from sins, It reminds that every individual will be held accountable for their actions on the Day of Judgment and will be rewarded or punished accordingly.
  • One of Surah maryam benefits is that it carries several messages, including the concept of monotheism (Tawhid) and proper worship, showcasing Allah’s ability to create miracles, and the significance of righteousness and repentance.
  • Exploring Surah Maryam benefits, we discover its unique power to inspire faith, provide solace, and strengthen the connection between individuals and their Creator.

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What is surah maryam about?
What is surah maryam about?

Surah maryam benefits

Some narrations have mentioned Surah maryam benefits, and among these narrations are the following:

The first narration

is attributed to Ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) who said, “The Children of Israel, the Cave, Maryam, Taha, and the Prophets are from the first creation and the ancient lineage” [Narrated by al-Bukhari, in Sahih al-Bukhari]

The term “Al-‘itaq” refers to reaching a high level of excellence, and “Al-talad” means ancient lineage.

The second narration

is about what Najashi (the Abyssinian king) said when Ja’far (may Allah be pleased with him) recited the early verses of Surah Maryam to him, Najashi said, “This speech is from the same source from which Moses (peace be upon him) brought his message”

This happened when Najashi asked the noble companions about their religion and the reason for abandoning the religion of their forefathers, Ja’far (may Allah be pleased with him) informed him about Islam, its call to monotheism, maintaining family ties, and their belief in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the qualities attributed to him, After that, Ja’far recited the early verses of Surah Maryam when Najashi requested him to recite something from what their Prophet had brought [Sahih Biography of the Prophet].

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The third narration

is from the fabricated narrations concerning the virtues of certain surahs, These narrations are not accepted because they are false attributions to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

An example of such a narration is: Among Surah maryam benefits as well ,Whoever recites Surah Maryam will be rewarded with ten good deeds for each person who believed in Zakariya, denied him, believed in Yahya, denied him, believed in Maryam, believed in Isa, believed in Ibrahim, believed in Musa, believed in Harun, believed in Ishaq, believed in Ya’qub, believed in Isma’il, believed in Idris, and for each person who prayed to Allah for children and for each person who did not pray to Allah for children, [Narrated by Ibn al-Jawzi, on the topics of Ibn al-Jawzi].

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Benefits of reading surah maryam

Surah maryam benefits are represented in these points:

1- Great Rewards

  • Good deeds are multiplied ten times for each person who believed in and affirmed the truth of Zakariya, Yahya, Maryam, Isa, Ibrahim, Musa, Harun, Ishaq, Ya’qub, Isma’il, Idris, and for each person who prayed to Allah for children and for each person who did not pray, (Weak Hadith).
  • Her grave will be illuminated and she will be illuminated on the Day of Resurrection.
  • She will be granted light in her grave.

2- Tranquility and Serenity

  • She will feel the nearness of Allah the Almighty.
  • It removes worries and distress.
  • It soothes the soul and brings tranquility.

3- Lessons and Reflections

  • Stories of the prophets and the righteous.
  • A lesson from nations that perished due to their disbelief.
  • A reminder of the power of Allah the Almighty.

Read also about: tafseer surah duha.

4- Healing from Diseases

  • Reciting it along with Surah Al-Mulk heals insomnia.
  • Reciting it along with Surah Al-Waqi’ah facilitates sustenance.
  • Reciting it along with Surah Yasin eases matters.

5- Other Virtues

  • It protects from Satan.
  • It eases childbirth.
  • It safeguards against envy and magic.

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Benefits of reading surah maryam
Benefits of reading surah maryam

Benefits of surah maryam for marriage

In these points we explain surah maryam benefits for marriage:

1- Guidance and Success

  • Reciting Surah Maryam helps in receiving guidance and finding success in choosing a life partner.
  • It illuminates insight and keeps one away from marrying an unsuitable person.

2- Facilitation and Ease

  • Reciting Surah Maryam helps in facilitating marriage matters.
  • It removes obstacles and makes the steps towards marriage easier.

3- Happiness and Stability

  • Reciting Surah Maryam helps in achieving happiness and stability in married life.
  • It enhances feelings of love and mercy between spouses.

4- Blessings and Provision

  • Reciting Surah Maryam helps in attracting blessings and provision in married life.
  • It opens doors of provision and makes livelihood easier.

5- Healing from Diseases

  • Reciting Surah Maryam helps in healing from certain diseases that may hinder marriage.
  • It promotes mental and physical well-being.

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In essence, Surah Maryam benefits encapsulate profound spiritual advantages, fostering faith, solace, and a strengthened connection with Allah, May the enduring guidance within these sacred verses continue to enrich and deepen our spiritual journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1- What is the best time to recite surah Maryam?

Actually, there is no specific time to read Quran, However you can recite it whenever you are available, In the streets, on the bus, anytime, anywhere in the world.

2- Can non-muslims benefit from reading surah maryam?

Surah Maryam, in particular, can serve as a valuable resource for non-Muslims who are interested in learning more about Islamic teachings and exploring the universal spiritual messages that can be found within the Quran.

3- What are the other diffeent stories in Qur`an?

Some of the other prominent stories found in the Quran include:

1- The story of Adam and Eve

2- The story of Noah and the Flood

3- The story of Moses and Pharaoh

4-The story of Joseph
