Our Blogs
May Allah Accept Your Prayers Arabic
In the heart of every Muslim there is a wish that may May allah accept...
What To Say After Allahu Akbar In Salah?
When man prepares to do his prayer and takes the will here,man moves to another...
Can I Use My Phone To Help Me Pray Islam?
Prayer is a fundamental element of Islam and one of the most important worships performed...
Can You Pray With Headphones Islam
Islam is the religion of forgiveness as all its provisions and laws work to make...
How Long Does Dhuhr Prayer Last?
Everyone knows that prayer is one of the most important pillars of Islam,it is the...
How To Say Salam At The End Of Salah
Prayer is the greatest blessing God has given man because it works to improve people...
May Allah Bless You And Your Family In Arabic
It is the beauty of the Arabic language to enjoy the collection of words with...
What Does Allah Yerhamo Mean?
When we lose a dear or hear of someone’s death, we always overcome the heartbreak...
What Is The Best Way To Read Quran? Eilaf Guide
A Muslim is commanded to read the Holy Qur’an and not abandon it, but what...
The Importance Of Reading Quran: 5 Essential Elements
Of course, it is self-evident that reading the Holy Qur’an has immense worth, yet most...
The First Surah In The Quran: Surat Al-Alaq
Indeed, the Holy Qur’an was not revealed to the Messenger Mohammed in order, but after...
The Holy Book Of Islam: How Long Is The Quran?
The holy book of Islam: How long is the Quran? The Holy Qur’an is the...