How To Memorize The Quran Easily?

how to memorize quran easily

One of the questions that many Muslims ask is how do we learn the Holy Quran easily? The goal of every Muslim is to memorize the Book of God Almighty and recite it correctly as it was revealed. However, some may see this as a goal that is difficult to achieve and requires a lot of time and effort. However, in this article, we will try to talk about the best ways to make memorizing the Holy Quran an enjoyable and easy journey for Muslims.

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Tips to Memorize the Quran Easily

These tips will help Muslims to know how to memorize the Quran easily.

1. Start with a short surah

Whoever wants to go through the experience of memorizing the Holy Quran should start with the short surahs, Al-Fatihah, as it is a pillar of prayer that every Muslim must master in memorization and recitation, then the rest of the surahs from An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas…. and so on. There are many reasons why most teachers prefer that the student start by memorizing the short surahs. Their verses are short and have a beautiful, beloved rhythm that is easy to remember and sticks in the ear even for children. Moreover, they are small sections that are complete in subject, unlike the long surahs whose subject is long and the student cannot memorize it in one lesson. In addition, these surahs are rich in the rules of Tajweed and pronunciation of letters (Makharij), which if the student masters them, it will be easy for him to bypass the rules in the longer surahs. Accordingly, we advise anyone who wants to memorize the Qur’an to start with the short surahs.

2- Revision

Revision is a very important factor in consolidating memorization, and it is inconceivable that a memorizer of the Quran does not review his memorization periodically, as reviewing memorization is an ongoing process that begins from the first day, and does not stop even after memorizing the entire Quran. Therefore, we at Eilaf are always keen to give revision great importance, more than the importance of memorizing a new lesson

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3- Divide pages to parts

The student can divide a single page into parts according to his ability to memorize. For example, he divides the page into two parts, each of which is an independent lesson, and so on until he finishes the entire surah. Once he finishes the entire surah, he must review it completely so that it is a lesson on a separate day. Thus, dividing the page into parts, then reviewing the entire surah ensures memorizing the entire surah smoothly.

4- Listen to Quran recitation

There is no doubt that constantly listening to the َquran recitation facilitates memorization, as memorizing what you are used to hearing is different from memorizing something completely new, in addition to listening to the recitations of the great reciters improves the voice and helps in overcoming mistakes.

5- Repetition

Overcome the difficult surahs and parts byrepetition, you will inevitably find some surahs that you may think are difficult to memorize, by repeating reading and memorizing you will find that the difficult parts have become easy, and you will find the pleasure of joy and achievement.

6. Understand the meaning of the verses

Understanding the meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran adds a special pleasure to the pleasure of memorization, and will make you explore the secrets of the Quran and its meanings with a lot of longing and curiosity, and make memorizing the Quran an enjoyable, easy journey that is difficult to forget.

7-Recitation beside qualified instructors

Training under the supervision of a qualified teacher is essential to memorizing the Holy Quran and mastering its arts. The teacher strengthens your determination, drives away laziness, corrects your mistakes, monitors your progress in memorization and your commitment to the memorization plan, and other indispensable matters for anyone who wants to memorize the Holy Quran.

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8: Learn more about Tajweed

Learning Tajweed is very important to improve recitation and beautify the voice, and to gain the learner’s courage and self-confidence, and all of these things undoubtedly help to speed up memorization and consolidate it.

9: Recite the Verses During Prayers

Reciting verses during prayer greatly helps to consolidate their memorization, as prayers are repeated five times daily, which means repeating the recitation of verses in every prayer, in addition to reading aloud in loud prayers gains confidence and mastery.

10-Utilize Waiting Time

A Muslim should utilize all his time, and it should never be wasted time, and exploiting the waiting time in clinics or transportation to review or read new verses greatly facilitates memorization, so be sure to buy a small pocket Quran or install one of the Holy Quran applications on your phone, so that you can exploit these times in the best way.

Transform Your Heart and Mind with Quran Memorization at Eilaf!

Are you ready to commit to memorizing the Quran and strengthen your faith? At Eilaf, we offer dedicated Quran memorization courses tailored to your unique pace and needs. With expert instructors, a supportive community, and a flexible learning environment, we’ll help you achieve your memorization goals with ease and confidence.
