This article will discuss all aspects of menstruation and answer the question of why a Muslim woman can’t pray during their period. Along with other questions related to this topic.  Women have an important role in Islam and many of the Prophet’s wives have delivered many hadiths that help people understand their religion better , as well as the rules and regulations of the Islamic religion, and prophet Muhammed’s life.

Women during menstruation can’t pray or touch the holy Quran but they can attend Islamic classes and make dua seeking forgiveness from God. Women may feel tired at this time ,so God has lifted the obligation of praying and fasting during this period because these activities require more effort than women can manage at this time. After the period finishes women must perform ghusl and resume performing salah and fasting.

Women in Islam

Islam has honored women with great honor, honoring them as (mothers) who must be dutiful, obeyed and treated kindly, and making her satisfaction part of Allah’s satisfaction, and informing us that Paradise is at her feet, meaning that the shortest path to Paradise is through her, and it has forbidden disobeying her or angering her even by merely showing annoyance, and it has made her right greater than the right of a parent, and it has emphasized taking care of her when she is old and weak, and all of that is in many texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Islam has honored women as wives, so it has recommended that husbands treat them well, and it has ordered them to be kind in their treatment of her, and it has informed us that she has the same right as the husband, except that he has a higher degree, due to his responsibility in spending and taking care of the family’s affairs, and it has shown that the best of Muslims is the one who treats his wife best, and it has forbidden taking her money without her consent. And he honored her as a daughter, so he urged her upbringing and education, and he made raising girls a great reward, including his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace: (Whoever supports two girls until they reach maturity, he and I will come on the Day of Resurrection, and he joined his fingers together) Narrated by Muslim (2631). Ibn Majah (3669) narrated on the authority of Uqbah ibn Amir, may God be pleased with him, who said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: “Whoever has three daughters and is patient with them, feeds them, gives them drink, and clothes them from his wealth, they will be a shield for him from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection.

In short; Islam has raised the status of women and made them equal to men in most rulings. She is commanded, like men, to believe and obey, and is equal to him in the reward of the Hereafter. She has the right to express herself, to advise, to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and to call to God. She has the right to own property, to buy and sell, to inherit, to give charity and to donate. No one may take her money without her consent. She has the right to a dignified life, not to be assaulted or wronged. She has the right to education, and she must learn what she needs in her religion.

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Why Can’t Muslim Women Pray on Their Period?

Impure while menstruating

Women aren’t allowed to pray or touch the holy Quran during menstruation. At this time, women aren’t considered purified due to the bleeding, so they must wait until menstruation finishes to be able to pray or touch the holy Quran.

But going to mosques to attend educational classes is a debatable issue and there are two opinions on it.

Women can go to mosques during menstruation.

According to Ibn Hazm, al muzaini from Shafi & Dawoud, they get their opinion from the evidence that was mentioned in Ibn Hazm’s book called Al-Muhallā bi’l Athār that mother of believers (Aisha) says that black women slave came to prophet muhammed and embraced her Islam, and she was living in a room at the mosque and prophet don’t prevent or prohibited it from live in the mosque even though she is female and normally will be menstruating.

Women Can’t Go Mosque During Menstruation.

The other scholar’s opinion is that women during this period were considered impure and the mosques were seen as holy places so she couldn’t enter the mosques out of respect for their sanctity . Some scholars argue that women aren’t allowed to pray or touch the holy Quran, and therefore, they can’t enter mosques during this time because mosques are places where Muslims pray and attend Islamic classes to learn more about the religion.

Read also about: how to pray in islam for beginners female 

How to Purify After a Period?

Women must perform “ghusl” after the menstruation finishes, now the steps of ghusl will be discussed

  • Intend to purify from menstruation. 
  • Say bismillah.
  • Wash your hands three times.
  • Wash the private parts using your left hand.
  • Perform wudu.
  • Wash your head three times and make water reach the hair’s roots.
  • Wash your body but begin with the right part and then the left part and make sure that water reaches every part of your body.

What if I Accidentally Pray on My Period?

It’s prohibited to pray during menstruation, so Muslim women must take care of this point and try to avoid praying at this time because they have permission from God not to pray during the period. Also, they shouldn’t touch the holy Quran during the period. All they can do is make dua at this time because making dua during menstruation is allowed. So women must avoid praying, make more dua, and also to know that there is no sin in not praying during the period.

Read also about : Where can a muslim pray?

Do you have to hide your period in Islam?

Menstruation isn’t shameful or makes women dirty. It is a normal thing that happens to all women. Any woman will have their period every month so there isn’t shame, some men misunderstand the ayat that says:

” And they ask you about menstruation. Say, “It is harmful, so keep away from wives during menstruation. And do not approach them until they are pure. And when they have purified themselves, then come to them from where Allah has ordained for you. Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves.”

This ayat means that there is no sexual intercourse during the period but Muslims must treat women in a good way at this time and not neglect them, Muslims must be polite and spend more time with her to make her feel satisfied and good.

If a woman dies while on her period Islam

If a woman dies during menstruation, it doesn’t mean that she had weak religious commitment or a bad end. It’s a normal occurrence  that happens to all women so it’s not a sign of anything negative .People must understand that some be mistakenly believe that if a man or woman died during janabat or menstruation, it signifies  they were a bad person and had a bad end to their life. For Women who die during the period she has given a ghusl (washing the deceased) one time is sufficient. 


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