In the beginning, the zakat is one of the five pillars of the Islamic religion, but not obligatory to all Muslims, It is only obligatory for Muslims who meet the conditions for its obligation. The purpose of Zakat is that people who have wealth give people who need this money, but zakat has specific rules and amounts. It also aims to help poor people improve their lives by getting this money and improving their quality of life.

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The Zakat of iftar is a specific form of charity that is required to be given before Eid al fitr or by the end of Ramadan to people who need it. The purpose of it is to make poor people feel happy and celebrate the eid while they feel comfort and happiness because they have food. The amount of zakat of iftar is one saa‘ (An old unit of measurement equal to approximately 2 kg) of food or its equivalent in cash. But prefer to donate with food that is most of the country’s food. This zakat also is obligatory for any Muslims to donate food to poor people to make them celebrate Eid al Iftar with good vibes, eating good food and feeling happy.

The difference between zakat and zakat al fitr?

The amount

Zakat is obligatory on four types of money as defined by Islamic law, which are: money (cash, gold or silver) , trade goods, What is extracted from the earth (grains, fruits, and minerals), and livestock. Zakat amount is 2.5% if a year has passed and the money reached the minimum amount. The categories of people to whom zakat should be spent are eight. Allah the Almighty has clearly explained them. He the Almighty said: “Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect it and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free captives and those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer – an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (At-Tawbah: 60). These are the eight categories to whom zakat is to be paid. But zakat al fitr is zakat at a specific time of the year at the end of Ramadan and before Eid al fitr. Muslims donate Saa’ (An old unit of measurement equal to approximately 2 kg) of food or equivalent cash, but it must be before the Salah of Eid to make the person celebrate after the Salah.

Read also about : Do I Pay Zakat on My Car?

The purpose

Zakat’s purpose is enriching the poor and preserving their lives by providing for their material and psychological needs. It is also a purification of their hearts, so that they do not envy or hate those with money, but the zakat of fitr is only to make people celebrate the eid of iftar and make them feel happy and satisfied at the eid.

The timing

Zakat must be paid immediately after one year of owning the nisab of money (the minimum amount of money that requires zakat to be paid), no specific time for it but zakat of al fitr only Muslims can donate with food or money at the end of Ramadan or before the Salah of Eid.

At the end of this topic, there is a big difference between them, and also, have many common points such as that both of them are obligatory, and must donate food or money but the purpose is different one of them to help Muslim to improve his life and the other is to make them celebrate the eid. And also both of them are common in helping poor people to have a good life.

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