In this article, What do Muslims say in sujood will be discussed and also we will discuss the importance and benefits of the sujood, because sujood has many benefits for Muslims that can help them not only in salah and seeking forgiveness from god, but also can help them in their real life by make them get rid of ego that can make them take a bad decision in their lives. Also know the perfect time of dua during the salah and why people start dua while sujood because Muslim during sujood are nearest to God according to hadith.

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What do Muslims say in sujood?

Sujood is one of the aspects of the salah that Muslims do. Sujood is important in salah because Muslims during sujood are near to God according to prophet Muhammad’s hadith “The nearest that a servant comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating.” (Sahih Muslim), So many Muslims start dua while they prostrate. Muslim during sujood repeat Subhan rabya al aa’la سبحان ربي الأعلى three times, And then, start making dua to God, asking for forgiveness and wishing for anything you desire in your life.

Read also about : What to say after allahu akbar in salah?

Spiritual benefits of Sujood 

Sujood has an incredible impact on the muslim’s spirit. After sujood, Muslims feel calm and peaceful because the Muslim in sujood is near to God, also, knowing that supplication is more likely to be accepted during prostration, and also one of the most important benefits of prostration is that prostration is a manifestation of humility and submission to God that makes the Muslim get rid of the ego that can destroy the Muslim’s life.


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