How To Learn Islam Step By Step?

how to learn islam step by step

Many non-Muslims are looking to learn about Islam either out of curiosity, or a desire to join Islam and sometimes converts to Islam who want to understand more about their new religion and its laws and regulations. In this article, we will try to answer the question: How to learn Islam step by step.

How to learn islam step by step

Those steps will help you to know more a bout the Islamic religion step by step

1. Learn the basics of Islam

Muslims must first understand the Five Pillars of Islam, which are fundamental to their faith. These pillars serve as the foundation for declaring and practicing Islam. The first is the Shahada (declaration of faith), where one proclaims belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). The second is Salah (prayer), where Muslims learn how to perform the five daily prayers and understand their significance. The third is Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), highlighting its importance in self-discipline and spirituality. The fourth is Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), which Muslims must perform if they meet the conditions for it. Lastly, Zakat (charitable giving) involves understanding when and how to donate a portion of one’s wealth to those in need. These pillars are essential for every Muslim to practice and embody their faith.

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2. Study the principles and beliefs of Islamic religion

“Islam is founded on six core beliefs. The first is belief in Allah alone, with no partner, and understanding His unique attributes that set Him apart from all else. The second is belief in angels, who are created from light and carry out Allah’s commands without question, each with specific roles mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Third is belief in the divine scriptures sent by Allah to His messengers, including the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an. The fourth is belief in all the messengers of Allah, without distinction, including the five resolute ones: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Fifth is belief in the Last Day, the Day of Judgment, when all individuals will be gathered to account for their deeds and face their ultimate destiny—Paradise or Hell. Lastly, belief in predestination (Qadr), both good and bad, entails accepting that all events occur by Allah’s command and will, requiring contentment with His decrees and patience in the face of trials.

3. Learn the holy Quran

Learning the Holy Quran is a fundamental way for individuals to deepen their understanding of the Islamic religion and its laws. The Holy Quran outlines most of the principles and regulations of Islam, guiding Muslims on how to live righteously. By studying and reflecting on its teachings, Muslims can expand their knowledge of Islamic laws and the practices they are required to follow to attain the ultimate reward of Paradise in the afterlife.

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4: Avoid Focusing Only On Haram Vs. Halal In Early

While understanding what is halal and haram is important, in the early stages of embracing Islam, it is more crucial to focus on strengthening your foundation in faith and developing the core principles of being a Muslim. Over time, the knowledge of what is permissible and prohibited will naturally fall into place. However, it is essential to first cultivate a sincere love for Allah and gain a deep understanding of the fundamental aspects of Islam.

5: Study how to respect And Love Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger sent by God to guide humanity to the right path. His mission was to promote peace, fairness, and justice among people. All Muslims are encouraged to take Prophet Muhammad as their role model, follow his teachings, and embody his values in their lives. By spreading fairness, truthfulness, and kindness, they honor and demonstrate their love for him. Following his guidance not only brings peace to their present lives but also leads to the reward of Jannah in the afterlife.


As you embark on the journey of deepening your understanding of Islam, take the time to immerse yourself in its core principles. Whether you are learning about the Five Pillars of Islam, exploring the principles and beliefs of Islam, or gaining insight into the Quran’s teachings, every step you take brings you closer to a deeper connection with Allah.Join Eilaf to know more about the Five Pillars of the Islamic Religion.