Hello Brother! Have you ever thought about searching for the number of pages of the Holy Qur’an?! The answer, of course, maybe in the Qur’an, which is an easily accessible method, but let us delve beyond that and further.

In this article, we will not only shed light on the number of pages of the Holy Qur’an, but we will also tell you when the Qur’an was revealed, how many pages it has the number of surahs and their types.

How Many Pages is the Quran?

So, after we learned about the date of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, we return to our main question: How Many Pages is the Quran?

In general, and briefly, the number of pages in the Holy Qur’an reaches 604 pages, These pages include Meccan and Medinan surahs, some of which are long and some are short.

Which Month Did the Holy Quran Revealed

First of all, the first thing that was revealed to the Prophet was Surat Al-Alaq, and that was on the seventeenth of Ramadan, a Monday, in some narrations it is said 24, not 17, and at that time the Prophet was forty years old, and this night was known as Laylat al-Qadr.

The number of Surahs in the Quran

The number of surahs in the Holy Qur’an is 114 surahs and the total number of words is 6236 words, which are considered the most eloquent and most beautiful texts among all languages.

The Qur’an has been divided into four sections: the seven long sections, the long verses, the two verses, and the detailed chapters, Which is known in Arabic as: (السبع الطوال، المئون، المثاني، والمفصل).

Surahs of the holy Quran

We already mentioned to you that the Qur’an was divided into four main sections, but let us go into more detail with you about each section of the Holy Qur’an and explain it to you more.

Firstly, the seven long days; What are the seven long surahs and why were they called by this name? The long surahs are the surahs of Al-Baqarah, Al Imran, An-Nisa’, Al-Ma’idah, Al-An’am, and Al-A’raf. As for the seventh, there is no agreement on whether it is Al-Anfal or Surat Yunus, and yes, these surahs have been called the seven long surahs because they are really long.

Second: Al-Mi’un, meaning Al-Mi’un in relation to one hundred, are the surahs whose number of verses is close to 100 verses.

Third: Al-Mathani: It is the one that follows Al-Ma’un in the number of its verses.

Fourthly and finally; Al-Mufassal, which starts from Surat Al-Hujurat to the last surah of the Holy Qur’an, and this section in turn is divided into sub-parts, the length of the Mufassal: which is from Surat Al-Hujurat to Surat Al-Naba’, the middle of the Mufassal: from Surat Al-Naba’ to Surat Al-Duha, and the short section of the Mufassal: from Surat Al-Duhaa To the end of the Qur’an.

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Types of Meccan and Medinan Surahs

What the Qur’an has unanimously agreed upon are the Meccan and Medinan surahs, and to explain this:

Meccan surahs:

They are the surahs that were revealed before the Hijra, even if the place of their revelation was other than Mecca. Yes, the reason for the name is not due to their revelation in Mecca.

As for the Medinan surahs,

they are the surahs that were revealed after the Hijrah, even if they were also revealed in a place other than Medina. They include the surahs that were revealed to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in his travels after the Hijra, such as the Surah Al-Fath, as it was revealed to the Prophet on his departure from Al-Hudaybiyyah.

The Medinan and Meccan surahs

The scholars differed in explaining the Meccan and Medinan surahs, but of course there are some surahs that the scholars agreed on whether they are Meccan or Medinan, and perhaps the most accurate of these statements and the closest to the truth is what Abu Al-Hasan bin Al-Hissar mentioned.

The Madinan, with agreement, has twenty surahs, and there are twelve surahs in which there is disagreement.

This is Meccan, and Ibn al-Hissar organized this in a system of his that was transmitted by al-Suyuti in Al-Itqan, and the summary of what this system included:

The civil surahs, by agreement, are:

(1) Al-Baqarah (2), Al Imran (3), Al-Nisa’ (4), Al-Ma’idah (5), Al-Anfal (6), Al-Tawbah (7), Al-Nour (8), Al-Ahzab (9), Muhammad (10), Al-Fath (11), Al-Hujurat (12), and Al-Hadid ( 13), the argument (14), the gathering (15), the test (16), the Friday (17), the hypocrites (18), divorce (19), prohibition (20), and victory.

As for what is different about them, they are: (1) Al-Fatihah (2), Al-Ra’ad (3), Al-Rahman (4), Al-Saff (5), Al-Taghabun (6), Al-Taffifah (7), Al-Qadar (8), and it was not (9), and if it is shaken (10), and Al-Ikhlas (11, 12) And the two exorcists, But as for the Meccan surah, it is different from that, and it is eighty-two surahs.

End of the word, Knowing the number of pages in the Quran allows readers to better grasp the structure and complexity of these precious words, as well as get more important information, Begin your journey by registering today and get a free trial!