Non-Arab or beginners face a problem in reading the holy Quran because they don’t have any information about the Arabic language and its rules and principles. So they must learn how to read the Arabic language and its alphabet to read the holy Quran correctly. It might take from 2 months to 4 months, depending on the person who learns. If they have basic knowledge of the arabic language, it will be easy to learn how to read the holy Quran

So in this article, we will answer the question of how long it takes to learn to read the Quran. The answer will cover all the dimensions of the question.

How Long Does it Take to Learn to Read the Quran?

Learning how to read the holy Quran for beginners can take 60 days, according to the expert teacher’s opinion. But it also offers one another; some people can take more than 60 days, and some people can learn to read the holy Quran in less than 60 days; it depends on the person’s knowledge of the Arabic language and its rules and principles.

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The hardest part of learning the reading of the holy Quran is the Arabic language. The Arabic language is one of the most difficult languages that a person can learn; it has many rules and principles, and also every letter has a different pronunciation, so it is difficult for beginners and non-Arabic speakers to learn it. It took a lot of time and effort to learn it and to know how to pronounce every letter and create a sentence in Arabic.

There are tips that non-Arabs or beginners can use to learn how to read the holy Quran easily and in a short period. In this article, we will discuss those three points to make it easy for Muslims to read the holy Quran.

1-Learn More About the Arabic Language.

In the beginning, Muslims must know about the Arabic language and its principles. The Arabic language is hard to learn, but beginners must start with knowing the Arabic letters and how to pronounce them well, then how to create words using the letters, and at the end build sentences easily using those letters. This process isn’t easy, but repetition and practice will make it easy. Non-Arabic people will face many problems in pronouncing the Arabic letters, but they must try harder to pronounce them correctly. Then, after these, beginners must read short and long sentences to read the holy Quran.

Read also about: How to Learn Quran for Beginners?

2-Learn Tajweed Rules and Principles.

Beginners or non-Arabic people must learn Tajweed’s principles and rules after finishing their learning of the Arabic language. In the Tajweed, Muslims learn the sound of every letter and articulation and how to pronounce Arabic properly. This will make Muslims able to read the holy Quran and start to recite it.

Beginners will start with a basic knowledge of Tajweed principles and rules to be easy to study and practice alone and read the holy Quran properly, but if Muslims want to recite the holy Quran, it will be different because they will need to know about the advanced rules of Tajweed.

3-Learn How to Recite the Holy Quran Properly.

To learn how to recite the holy Quran correctly, Muslims must know the advanced rules of Tajweed and know how to pronounce every letter correctly. The advanced rules of Tajweed, such as noon saakin, meem saakin, etc., are the rules that Muslims must learn about reciting the holy Quran. Those rules will take much time and effort to study and to recite the holy Quran properly after studying it well.


How Many Pages of Quran Should I Read to Finish it in a Month?

The holy Quran consists of 30 Juz, so Muslims can read 20 pages or read Juz every day to finish the holy Quran after one month. The juz consists of almost 20 pages, so Muslims must read it daily, but if Muslims want to memorize the holy Quran, it will be much harder because Muslims need a lot of effort and time to memorize the holy Quran. It can take from 6 months to 2 years to memorize the holy Quran without missing any verses or surah.

Can I learn the Quran in 1 month?

For beginners, it will be impossible to learn the holy Quran in one month, so it will be difficult to finish all the holy Quran after only one month. It would take from one year to two years to finish learning the holy Quran and know the tafsir of each ayat and why it came down, to know all the information of the verses

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