Category Archives: Islamic Studies

Can Muslims Pray For Non Muslims?

It’s been a tricky question over the years, Can Muslims Pray for non-Muslims? or they...

Do Muslims Pray To Muhammad? (Peace Be Upon Him)

The concept of prayer and supplication (Du’a) is central to the Islamic religion since it...

Do Muslims Pray Before Eating: Eating Etiquette In Islam

Prayer and thanks to God are essential aspects of daily life in Islam. Muslims have...

Can Muslims Pray In A Church?

Allah has gifted all Muslims with something special, they can pray wherever they want, can...

Where Can A Muslim Pray?

Many Muslims around the world ask where can the Muslims pray. Following the religious teachings,...

How To Perform Salah According To Quran?

People always wonder about information about the Islamic religion and look for a suitable place...

Why Do Muslim Face East While Praying?

Prayer is a central act of worship in Islam, and one of its unique aspects...

How Does Praying Affect The Daily Lives Of Muslim?

We cannot deny that prayer is a fundamental pillar of human life that must exist...

May Allah Accept Your Prayers Arabic

In the heart of every Muslim there is a wish that may May allah accept...

What To Say After Allahu Akbar In Salah?

When man prepares to do his prayer and takes the will here,man moves to another...

Can I Use My Phone To Help Me Pray Islam?

Prayer is a fundamental element of Islam and one of the most important worships performed...

Can You Pray With Headphones Islam

Islam is the religion of forgiveness as all its provisions and laws work to make...