This blog will answer the question, can you walk in front of someone praying? The prayer in Islam is one of the five pillars of Islam religion that all Muslims must do every day, so Muslims must respect salah and its aspects and try to avoid any action that can nullify their salah.

There are three ways to walk in front of someone praying.

First: put a barrier

If the person praying is praying towards a barrier, it is permissible to pass behind it. If he is praying without a barrier, it is permissible to pass far from it. If some people are walking and don’t see the barrier, warn them to pass from behind the barrier.

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Second: To wait until the person finishes salah

It’s a sin to walk in front of someone praying, so Muslims must be careful about this issue, if the person doesn’t have space or a barrier to put it, a Muslim has to wait until the praying person finishes his salah, then he can walk.

Third: to leave space between you and the person who praying

Muslims must leave spaces between themselves and the person who is praying because there are spaces for praying (at least to the place of the praying person prostration) , so Muslims must respect this space and try to avoid walking on it.

Read also about : Why do muslim face east while praying?

Note: Some scholars have permitted passing in front of a person praying if he is praying behind an imam, and that the previous rulings apply only to someone praying alone or leading a group of worshippers. Unless he fears that his passing will cause disturbance to the worshippers, then it is disliked for him to pass in this case.

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