What is Zakat al-Mal?

Zakat al-Mal is the third pillar of Islam, and it is obligatory for all Muslims who meet the conditions for its payment. Some Muslims may not be fully aware of the specific requirements for zakat.

Muslims have a duty to help their fellow Muslims by giving a portion of their wealth to those in need. This helps improve the lives of others and fosters a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

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Many Muslims choose to donate their zakat al-mal during Ramadan, as it is a month of increased spiritual awareness and generosity. By donating to the poor and needy during this time, Muslims can spread joy and earn additional rewards. Additionally, seeking forgiveness, performing good deeds, and striving for spiritual growth are important aspects of Ramadan, with the ultimate goal of achieving salvation.

Muslims are required to donate 2.5% of their wealth to the poor as an act of worship to God. This blog will delve deeper into the topic of zakat.

The eligibility of zakat al-mal

Zakat al-Mal is obligatory for Muslims who meet specific criteria. Zakat involves giving a portion of one’s wealth to the poor and needy. Therefore, it is not applicable to those who are themselves in need.

To be eligible for zakat, Muslims must meet the following conditions:

  • Nisab: The wealth must reach the nisab threshold. This means the value of the wealth must exceed a certain amount, which varies depending on the type of wealth.
  • Eligible Wealth: Only certain types of wealth are subject to zakat, such as cash, gold, silver, merchandise, what comes from the land, and livestock.
  • One Lunar Year: The wealth must be owned for at least one lunar year to be eligible for zakat.
    What does not require the passing of a year for zakat:

1- Trade profit, its year follows the year of its origin.

2- What comes out of the earth, such as grains and fruits, is raised when it is found.

3- The offspring of cattle, its year follows the year of its origin.

  • Freedom: it is not obligatory on a slave.

By fulfilling these criteria, Muslims demonstrate their commitment to their faith and their responsibility to help those in need.

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The zakat al-mal nasib

The nisab is the amount that if the money reaches it, zakat is due on it. It differs according to the type of money. For crops and fruits, it is five wasqs, and a wasaq is sixty saa’. The five wasaqs is three hundred saa’ and a saa’ is four mudds. The scholars estimated the mudd as filling the hands of an average person if he filled them neither clenched nor spread out.. Five wasaqs by modern standards is equal to 652 kilograms of wheat. The duty on it is one-tenth if it is irrigated by rainwater or without cost, and half a tenth if it is irrigated otherwise. The nisab for gold is twenty dinars, which is equivalent to 85 grams. The nisab for silver is two hundred dirhams, which is equivalent to 595 grams. The nisab for cash is what is equivalent to one of these two nisabs. The duty on these types is a quarter of a tenth, and the same is what is done for trade goods. The nisab for sheep is forty sheep, thirty for cows, and five for camels.

The recipient of zakat.

“The categories of people to whom zakat should be spent are eight. Allah the Almighty has clearly explained them. He, the Almighty, has informed us that it is an obligation and that it is based on knowledge and wisdom. He, the Almighty, said: “Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect it and those whose hearts are to be reconciled and to free captives and those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the wayfarer – an obligation imposed by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.” (At-Tawbah: 60). These are the eight categories to whom zakat should be given.

The Assets that needed to be donated for Zakat.

Many assets can be calculated from zakat, such as

Gold and silver

If muslims have gold or silver to wear it only not for trade, so no zakat for it. But if muslim owned gold or silver to buy it for a while or to trade on it, Muslims must count the price of gold and silver and take 2.5% of this money for Zakat.

Cattle and crops

Cattle and crops are over a person’s need, Muslims must count the over-needed cattle and crops and start to donate 2.5% of its cost to the poor and needy people.

Money, stocks, and properties

Muslims must pay 2.5% zakat from their properties such as apartments if not taken for housing , stocks, money that is held for one year, and any assets that are owned.

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What is zakat al mal Can’t used for?

Zakat al-Mal cannot be used for building mosques or building hospitals or water wells. Mosques, hospitals and water wells can be built using sadaqa funds, which are voluntary donations. It’s important for Muslims to understand that zakat is specifically designated for helping the poor and needy. It should be used to support their daily lives and enable them to overcome challenges.

Can Muslims pay zakat for family members?

Yes, if any one of the family members is eligible and meets the criteria, it is preferred to pay zakat to them to help them improve their lives and also to make them able to live a good life. Also, some scholar schools strongly prefer this idea. However, some scholars say that Muslims must help their family with their wealth, not from zakat because it’s disrespectful to their family members, so Muslims can pay zakat to their family members but paying from their own money is much better.

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What are the benefits of zakat al-mal?

Zakat al-Mal offers numerous benefits to both individuals and society. For Muslims, paying zakat fulfills one of the pillars of Islam, earns them good deeds, and seeks God’s forgiveness. By helping those in need, Muslims can receive blessings from God, including increased wealth and prosperity.

Zakat also has a significant impact on society. It enables the poor and needy to improve their lives by providing necessities like food, shelter, and financial assistance. By alleviating poverty and hardship, zakat contributes to a more just and equitable society. When individuals are able to meet their basic needs and focus on their work without financial burdens, it leads to increased productivity and economic growth. Therefore, zakat plays a crucial role in improving the overall well-being of a community and the economy as a whole.

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