A common query among Muslim women pertains to the permissibility of reciting the Quran during menstruation.
This topic, blending the realms of spiritual observance and personal health, is crucial for many in understanding how to maintain their religious devotion while respecting Islamic teachings.
In this article, we delve into the Islamic perspective on this matter, exploring scholarly interpretations and practical advice to answer the question: Can i recite quran on my period? Our goal is to provide clear, respectful guidance to help Muslim women make informed decisions about their religious practices during this time.

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Can I recite Quran on my period?

Many women wonder: Can I recite on my period?!
In Islamic tradition, there are differing opinions among scholars regarding the recitation of the Quran during menstruation, Some scholars allow the recitation of the Quran without touching the physical book (Mushaf), especially if it’s for the purpose of memorization or daily routine recitation. Others are more restrictive and suggest avoiding recitation during this period.
However, it’s generally agreed that a woman should not touch the Mushaf (the Arabic text of the Quran) during menstruation.
Digital versions of the Quran, such as those on phones or computers, are often viewed differently, and some scholars allow their use for recitation during menstruation.

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Can I read Quran on my menses Hanafi?

The Hanafi scholars, like those of other Sunni schools, place emphasis on ritual purity, especially concerning the handling and recitation of the Quran.
The following are the general Hanafi recommendations on the subject:

Recitation by Heart:

Hanafi scholars generally allow the recitation of the Quran from memory (without looking at or touching the Mushaf) during menstruation which means that if you have verses or chapters memorized, you can recite them.

Touching the Mushaf:

The Hanafi school generally advises against touching the Mushaf, the physical copy of the Quran, during menstruation, This is due to the state of major ritual impurity (janabah) associated with menstruation.

Reading from Digital Devices:

Like in many modern Islamic interpretations, reading the Quran from a digital device such as a smartphone or tablet is usually considered permissible by many contemporary Hanafi scholars, as it does not involve direct contact with the Mushaf.

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Read also about: Can you listen to Quran while working out.

What can we recite during menses?

During menstruation, while there are restrictions on certain religious practices in Islam, there are still many forms of worship and recitation that women can engage in.

Here are some of the recommended practices:

Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah):

Engaging in the remembrance of Allah through phrases like “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to Allah), “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah), “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest), and “La ilaha illallah” (There is no deity but Allah) is encouraged and can be done at any time.

Dua (Supplication):

Making personal supplications to Allah is not only permissible but also encouraged, and you can ask for anything you desire or need in your prayers.

Listening to Quran Recitations:

While there are differing opinions about reciting the Quran during menstruation, listening to it is generally considered permissible and beneficial.

Seeking Knowledge:

This period can be used to learn more about Islam through reading or listening to Islamic lectures, books, or articles that are not direct translations of the Quran.

Charitable Acts:

Engaging in acts of charity and kindness towards others is highly meritorious and can be done at any time.

Tasbih (Using Prayer Beads):

Using prayer beads to remember Allah and recite various forms of dhikr is a good practice.

Can you read Quran on your period with gloves?

In Islamic jurisprudence, the issue of whether a woman can read the Quran during menstruation while wearing gloves is nuanced and varies among scholars and Islamic schools of thought.
The question “can I recite Quran on my menses” is a common concern among Muslim women, reflecting the diverse interpretations and practices within the Islamic tradition:

Some Allow with Conditions:

Certain scholars permit the handling of the Mushaf (physical copy of the Quran) with gloves or a barrier during menstruation, This view hinges on the interpretation that the prohibition concerns direct contact with the Mushaf, so a barrier like gloves could be a respectful workaround.

Others Prohibit Regardless of Gloves:

Many scholars uphold a stricter view, advising against touching the Mushaf during menstruation, even with gloves (This perspective is rooted in a broader interpretation of ritual purity and the sanctity of the Quran).

can you read quran on your phone while on your period?

The restrictions on touching the Mushaf don’t extend to digital formats of the Quran, like apps on smartphones or tablets, so reading from these devices is usually seen as permissible for women on their period, without specific requirements like gloves.

Engaging in Alternative Worship:

Scholars often recommend other forms of worship during menstruation, such as making dhikr (remembrance of Allah), dua (supplication), or listening to the Quran.
Overall, each Islamic community or school of thought might have specific guidelines based on their interpretations of Islamic texts and principles.

the query “Can I recite Quran on my period” encompasses a complex and nuanced subject in Islamic jurisprudence, with varying scholarly opinions.

Traditional perspectives generally advise against direct contact with the Mushaf during menstruation, while more contemporary views, particularly concerning digital formats, allow greater flexibility.

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Can I learn Quran while in my period?

This topic is one of the most debatable topics in Islam; some scholars say yes, but with conditions, and others see that women can’t learn or read the holy Quran.

If women want to attend online sessions during menstruation, yes, they can attend an online course about the holy Quran. But if this course is inside the mosques, women can’t enter the mosque or touch the holy Quran during menstruation because she is impure.

So women can attend online courses or also offline but outside the mosques because women aren’t allowed, according to many scholars, to enter the mosques when they are menstruating

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